West Puget Sound Chapter of IAAO

Let us help you along your journey.

To take advantage of this discount, contact brandee.fish@piercecountywa.gov. She will connect you with the party at the National Chapter you need to contact, and she will add you to our current roster of chapter members.

Member Counties include Pierce, Kitsap, Clallam, Jefferson, Mason, Grays Harbor, Thurston, and the Department of Revenue

Chapter Purpose: To serve as an educational organization, and specifically to advance the objectives of the International Association of Assessing Officers in the region; to improve the standards of assessment practice; to provide a clearing house for the collection and distribution of useful information relating to assessment practice; to educate the taxpaying public and to cooperate with the other public and private agencies interested in improving tax administration.

Annual Spring Seminar

Platinum Sponsor for 2025 Seminar

Gold Sponsors for 2025 Seminar

Please reach out to us if you would like to contribute to the blog, or have an idea for a blog post!


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

